Vanguard Renewables is a national leader in the development of food and dairy waste-to-renewable energy projects. The Company is committed to advancing decarbonization by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farms and food waste and supporting regenerative agriculture best practices on partner farms.
Sponsored Webinars
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Food Waste to Renewable Energy: The Transformative Food Industry Alliance to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Farm to Plate: How Companies and Consumers are Catalyzing a More Regenerative Food System
Vanguard Renewables
Going Green for St. Patrick’s Day - Brewing Up Sustainability: How Two Vermont Craft Beverage Makers are Leading the Sustainability Charge in Vermont

2 years ago - Vermont has always been at the forefront of sustainability initiatives, and the craft beverage movement is no exception.
Conquering the Grass Ceiling: Female Farmers Feeding America and the World

2 years ago - As we celebrate Women’s History Month, it seems only fitting to focus on the women working to feed our country. From raising dairy and beef cows to vegetables and other crops — women are slowly becoming the face of the next generation of US farmers.
Food Tank Joins the Farm Powered Strategic Alliance

2 years ago - Food Tank is the first NGO and non-food producer to join the Farm Powered Strategic Alliance.
US Dairy Industry Quietly Leads the Way Toward Sustainability

2 years ago - I reached out to some friends in the industry to gather perspectives about dairy’s sustainability journey — and more importantly, the lessons we have collectively learned. The hope is that others can look to dairy’s example and shorten their own sustainability journeys.
Why There Won’t Be Quite So Much Waste from the Big Game This Year

2 years ago - From cups and straws to the over 300 million gallons of beer expected to be drunk in the US this weekend, companies are stepping up with innovative solutions to rein in the fallout from one of our most wasteful celebration days of the year.
Breweries are Working to Make Super Bowl Sunday Greener in Massachusetts

2 years ago - Breweries across New England are stepping up to help fight climate change, and this weekend is no different. Super Bowl Sunday is not just a day for football in America; it’s one of the days that Americans consume the most beer - approximately 325 million gallons. Yet, all that beer creates a lot of waste that gets sent to landfills or dumped down the drain. Vanguard Renewables in Massachusetts believes that waste is only waste if you waste it - they can recycle that waste and harness it to make renewable energy.
No Matter the Industry, We All Have a Role to Play in Fighting Hunger

2 years ago - As I write this, we are anxiously awaiting the US Senate to pass President Biden’s “Build Back Better” legislation. It’s important that this passes, as it calls for the continuation of the Child Tax Credit program that has been instrumental in helping US families rise out of poverty.
David Darr Joins Vanguard Renewables as Chief Sustainability Officer

2 years ago - Vanguard Renewables, a U.S. leader in farm-derived renewable natural gas, announces the recent appointment of David Darr as its Chief Sustainability Officer.
Calling On All ‘Bad Actors’ to Join the Climate Change Fight

2 years ago - Those of us committed to combatting climate change have no patience for companies that are ‘part of the problem’; but we should embrace anyone that is truly committed to being part of the solution. We’re all on the same team — and we will stand or fall together.
How Companies Are Joining Forces, Closing Loops, Optimizing Outputs in Complex Supply Chains

2 years ago - At SB’21 San Diego, innovators in the agriculture, electronics, food and plastics industries shared lessons learned from a variety of initiatives aimed at closing loops and optimizing value chains for a circular, regenerative future.
Vermont Family Farm Raises a Crop of Energy and Teaches Us a Lesson

2 years ago - The anaerobic digester at Goodrich Farm turns cow manure and food waste into carbon-negative, renewable natural gas that benefits much more than the farm. And the family’s journey is highly replicable.
Perspectives from the Food Waste Trenches

2 years ago - Food waste is catalyzing everyone in the food, waste and recycling industries to create new solutions and best practices to convert a negative into value for the environment and for business. Here are insights from some food industry leaders about efforts to reduce waste first, then recycle what cannot be eliminated.
Regenerative Agriculture: Soil Health, Herd Health, Human Health

3 years ago - Regenerative ag is a growing, dynamic movement that has potential for tremendous climate reversal and healthy food production. When even Neil Young says, “Put the carbon back in the soil," you know it’s time to get on board.
The Role of Renewable Natural Gas in the Decarbonization of Our Economy

3 years ago - The potential of renewable natural gas in the decarbonization landscape is examined in this Q&A with Johannes Escudero, CEO and Executive Director of the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (RNG Coalition).
Starbucks, Unilever, Dairy Farmers of America on Their Food-Waste-to-Energy Alliance

3 years ago - The three founding members of the Farm Powered Strategic Alliance discuss how the pioneering partnership is propelling their individual sustainability strategies.
Food Waste Recycling Sees Setbacks During Pandemic

3 years ago - While zero-waste initiatives in the US gained momentum in 2019 and early 2020, myriad complications related to the pandemic brought many to a screeching halt. But as we transition from emergency mode, there have been restarts.
New Farm Powered Strategic Alliance Highlights Circular Solution to Food Waste, GHG Reduction

3 years ago - Unilever, Starbucks and Dairy Farmers of America have joined the historic alliance, which calls on the food industry to embrace the simple, circular relationship between food waste and its potential to reduce greenhouse gases.
Brewed Responsibly: How Smart Craft Brewers Are Cleaning Up Our Favorite Beverage

3 years ago - The immediate future offers a financial challenge for most brewers and distributors; but everyone from craft brewers to large factories can increase sustainability and protect their bottom lines through process efficiencies, more nimble supply chains and smart recycling solutions.
Combatting Food Insecurity Takes More Than a Village

3 years ago - As Congress signs off for Thanksgiving, roughly 12 million Americans could soon lose jobless benefits. The hope is that people and companies continue to step up; government programs continue, and the flexibility the food supply chain has gained during COVID will enable a nimbler switch to accommodate future need.
How Your Company Can Enact the #1 Solution for Combating Climate Change

3 years ago - Consumers are increasingly aware of food waste, and its impact on food access and on climate change. Those businesses that commit to responsible food-waste recycling can turn a problem into a point of pride, customer loyalty and cost reduction.