The California-based carbon-transformation company is emerging as a leader in ‘CO2Made’ products — from everyday consumer goods to sustainable jet and marine
For the past 100 years, humanity has been burning fossil fuels and pumping CO2
into the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate — and both the
and social
can be seen globally. Climate change is an inescapable reality that threatens
the stability of life on earth; and global emissions of greenhouse gases —
including carbon dioxide and
— are the drivers of this change. But what if the carbon dioxide emitted could
be reused and repurposed as a resource, whilst simultaneously reducing the need
for fossil fuels?
The emergence of carbon-capture and -transformation
has made this a viable reality; and innovators including California-based
Twelve are at the forefront. Twelve’s solution
involves an electrochemical reactor that transforms CO2 into a feedstock for a
host of products that are conventionally made from fossil fuels. The CO2
feedstock is primarily derived from biogenic sources such as ethanol plants,
pulp and paper mills, and waste-processing facilities. Twelve plans to obtain
CO2 from direct air capture once it has scaled.
As Heidi Lim, Director of Product
Ecosystem for Twelve, explained to Sustainable Brands®: “We have developed
a device that takes carbon dioxide and transforms it — it changes the molecules
into chemicals, materials and fuels that today are made from fossil fuels.
That’s what we mean by carbon transformation: physically changing molecules and
turning carbon dioxide into something that can be useful — and with this,
replacing the need for petrochemicals in supply chains.”
Eliminating the need for virgin fossil fuels
Currently, the carbon that makes up many of our products and fuels is accessed
from fossil fuels in the form of petrochemicals. With Twelve’s technology,
carbon-based chemicals can be produced without the need for new fossil fuels —
preventing new emissions from entering the atmosphere.
Designing for Circularity-Friendly Behaviors
Join us as leaders from BBMG and REI examine how leading brands are innovating and scaling circular models to attract new fans and earn customer loyalty, all while eliminating waste — Thurs, May 9, at Brand-Led Culture Change.
Through ‘industrial photosynthesis,’ Opus —
Twelve’s electrochemical reactor — utilizes CO2, water and renewable energy to
create the essential molecules needed for carbon-based products, producing only
oxygen and water as byproducts.
Twelve says companies can customize and integrate Opus into existing production
systems, thereby decarbonizing at the source. The technology is scalable due to
its modular nature, which can seamlessly be integrated into existing industrial
systems. With this technology, it is estimated that up to 10 percent of global
emissions can be eliminated, with a single
suitcase-size reactor converting the same amount of CO2 as 37,000 trees.
Twelve’s technology is fundamentally changing the perception behind how things
can be made. The company is showcasing the possibilities of carbon
transformation, offering a large-scale circular alternative to fossil carbon,
reducing emissions in supply chains, and providing a viable pathway to a
fossil-free future.
“We're estimating that we can address 2-3 billion tons (2-3 gigatons) of carbon
dioxide each year — and that is going to translate into products that today make
up a trillion-dollar industry,” Lim explains. “Petrochemicals are super
wide-reaching; so, we’re talking about things as far-reaching as
and personal-care products. There are so many different areas where we get these
basic chemicals from fossil fuels today — so, what if you could just get the
basic building blocks for those from CO2 instead?”
So far, Twelve has partnered to produce a range of consumer products —
everything from sunglasses with
PANGAIA to detergent ingredients with
— as well as CO2-made products for Mercedes-Benz and NASA that are reducing
emissions across their supply chains and operations.
Fueling the future
One of the industries most in need of decarbonization is fuel. Twelve has
successfully developed a sustainable aviation fuel made from ‘electrified CO2’
called E-Jet® — the company says because the
carbon is sourced from the air, not the ground, it has fewer contaminants than
petroleum-based fuels; so, it burns cleaner — and will allow airlines to reduce
emissions by up to 90 percent with their existing aircraft fleets. The company
has formed partnerships with Etihad
Alaska Airlines and
the US Air Force and
to scale its adoption. Twelve has also developed a drop-in alternative to marine
fuels called E-Marine™, which counts
among its first partners.
“As the world is quickly approaching the oncoming targets for corporate and
national climate action by 2025, 2030 and beyond, carbon transformation gives
businesses the crucial ability to begin closing the carbon loop now,” Ram
Ramprasad, Twelve’s Chief
Commercial Officer, tells SB. “We’re helping industry leaders and global brands
take the steps necessary to continue providing the services and products
consumers know and love, but for a fossil-free world.”
Published Jun 5, 2023 2pm EDT / 11am PDT / 7pm BST / 8pm CEST
Scarlett Buckley is a London-based freelance sustainability writer with an MSc in Creative Arts & Mental Health.