The Sustainable Development Performance Indicators help close the ‘Sustainability Context Gap’ — in which less than 1% of sustainability reports produced from 2000-2013 measured corporate performance in the context of ecological sustainability thresholds.
Today, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
(UNRISD) releases Authentic Sustainability Assessment: A User Manual for
the Sustainable Development Performance Indicators, which provides — for the
first time — a comprehensive set of indicators for assessing organizational
performance in the context of sustainability thresholds and transformative
change needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) by 2030. To advance
from existing SDG
which assess incremental performance (i.e., year-to-year progress in
percentages), the SDPIs instead assess performance relative to normative
sustainability thresholds (see
here for a list of
the 231 SDG Indicators — only a handful of which integrate normative
The Sustainable Development Performance
(SDPIs), which UNRISD has been developing collaboratively since 2018, have
been heralded as “a major inflection
(Jonathan Morris, Business for Social Responsibility) and
“sustainability history in the making” (Kees Klomp, THRIVE Institute),
as they transcend the incrementalist measurements that have predominated
sustainability efforts over the past two decades (i.e. performance compared to
peers or relative to unit of production, etc). The SDPIs finally enable broad
implementation of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s
Sustainability Context Principle, established in 2002 — which calls for
assessing “the performance of the organization in the context of the limits and
placed on economic, environmental, or social resources at a macro-level;” but
have long pointed out the need for more practical
on how to apply the Principle.
“For the past two decades, there hasn’t been sufficient guidance on how to
assess organizational sustainability in the context of ecological, social and
economic thresholds; nor in the context of necessary transformations to the
status quo — until now,” says Ilcheong
Yi, Senior Research
Coordinator at UNRISD and Project Manager of the SDPI development process. “The
release of the SDPIs sets a new norm —
for the first time enabling authentic sustainability assessment with thresholds
and transformation explicitly integrated.”
“The UNRISD Sustainable Development Performance Indicators provide sorely needed
guidance and methods on how to measure and manage environmental and social
performance with respect for sustainability thresholds and transformation
imperatives,” says Ralph Thurm,
co-founder of partner organization r3.0 (Redesign for
Resilience &
and former COO of GRI. “Companies large and small now finally have a way to
readily enact the Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Context
Principle, two decades after its inception.”
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The SDPIs provide the tools necessary to close the “Sustainability Context
that was identified by Danish researchers in 2017, in which less than one
percent of sustainability reports produced over more than a decade (2000-2013)
measured or disclosed corporate performance in the context of ecological
sustainability thresholds — aka
The Manual and SDPIs were pilot tested in 2021 by more than two dozen
organizations — large, for-profit enterprises such as Anglo American, SK
hynix and Manulife; as well as Social & Solidarity Economy Organizations
& Enterprises (SSEOEs) including two
Mondragon cooperatives in
Spain, Cabot Creamery Cooperative in the
US, Vancity in Canada, and Grameen Vikas Kendram Society in
India — in a process managed by r3.0. Other participants in the pilot
included the World Bank, Impact Management Project, and World
Benchmarking Alliance.
“Cabot has been putting out
for more than a decade to a deaf market that is demanding in-depth information
that largely lacks Context,” said Jed
Davis, Sustainability Director at Cabot
Creamery Cooperative. “So, the SDPI indicators are groundbreaking in a very
positive way.”
The organizers say the ability to more accurately contextualize data from
sustainability efforts also makes the SDPI indicators a more robust approach
than joining the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which has
become an industry go-to for companies aiming to set credible climate
“The SDPI Manual provides a better alternative than the SBTi — seeing as UNRISD
took a 'universal principles' approach and appealed to scientific evidence of
the best science-based target-setting method for greenhouse gas emissions,” says
Bill Baue, Senior Director at r3.0,
co-founder of Sustainability Context Group and
former technical advisor to SBTi.
Download the SDPI Manual from the UNRISD website.
In the coming months, UNRISD will also launch the SDPI Online Platform — an
easy-to-use tool to assess the progress of companies or organizations towards
sustainability. It automatically generates a report that features trend analysis
and allows users to assess impacts or performance in relation to sustainability
norms and thresholds, providing a means to gauge the extent of transformative
change towards genuine sustainability. In the coming days, the Platform will be
open for registration at
Published Nov 1, 2022 8am EDT / 5am PDT / 12pm GMT / 1pm CET
Sustainable Brands Staff