The key lesson is to question older practices to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose. After all, practices can morph over time to the point they become ends in themselves — so ubiquitous that no one questions them.
The story goes like this: A couple is cooking together for the first time. They
are cooking a large ham; and one of them trims the ends off before putting it in
the oven.
“Why are you cutting the ends off the ham?”
“Because that’s what my mother did.”
“Why did she do that? It’s a waste of good ham!”
A New Era for Brand Integrity: Navigating the Greenhush-Greenwash Spectrum
Join us as leaders from Republik, NielsenIQ, Conspirators, Henoscene, be/co, The Guardian and Room & Board analyze what newly expanded notions of brand integrity mean for brands, and how to be smarter about picking language choices that avoid the dangerous extremes of greenhushing and greenwashing — Thurs, May 9, at Brand-Led Culture Change.
“I don’t know — let’s call her.”
The mother says she trims the ham because her mom did it. So, they call the
grandmother. Nonna is also unsure why. She asks her husband. He thinks for a
moment, before remembering:
“Our house had a really small oven. I had to cut the ends off the ham for it to fit.”
The materiality matrix is like Grandma’s Ham. Today’s matrices (some examples
below) try to communicate the importance of various sustainability-related
topics as a function of both financial importance and stakeholder importance
(double materiality).

But whether you’re looking at investor disclosure, multi-stakeholder disclosure
or a double materiality approach, none of the established standards suggest the
use of a matrix today.

So if you’re aligned with one or more of the above standards and using a matrix,
you should be asking why.
The matrix has never had a place in double materiality
A key lesson of Grandma’s Ham is to question older practices to ensure they
remain fit-for-purpose. After all, practices can morph over time to the point
they become ends in themselves — so ubiquitous that no one questions them.
Proponents of today’s double materiality matrices sometime refer to GRI’s 2016
standards – which did suggest the use of a matrix:

A closer comparison will reveal that the axes on today’s double materiality
matrices are different to what was proposed by GRI. Double materiality matrices
feature axes of:
Stakeholder impact
Impact on the business
Yet the axes on GRI’s 2016 matrix are:
Influence on stakeholder assessments & decisions
Significance of economic, environmental & social impacts
This is a key point. GRI has never been interested in expanding its remit to
incorporate the concept of double
(i.e. “impact on the business”). In fact, no standard has ever suggested the use
of a matrix for double materiality.
Any GRI enthusiast seeking to keep the 2016 matrix alive may find the below
quote instructive:
The materiality matrix is a techno-rational tool that simplifies the inherent complexity of assessing material sustainability issues, stakeholder engagement, and the societal pursuit of sustainable development.
It is instructive not only for its substance, but also because of who
it. The lead author on the paper is Carol
Adams, now Chair of the Global
Sustainability Standards
– the authority that issues GRI
If the leader of GRI questions the relevance of the materiality matrix; maybe
you should, too.
The matrix is a misleading illusion of certainty
Take another look at the matrices above. In both, diversity and inclusion is
deemed more important or impactful than workplace health and safety. As an
I have faced anguish in the workplace and will always fight for the importance
of diversity and inclusion.
But is it more important than my health and safety? Aren’t they intertwined?
On the flip side, is an incident of discrimination really more impactful than
someone dying on the workroom floor?
No one would actually say that an issue like diversity and inclusion “is about
15 percent more important” than another issue like health and safety; yet, this
is what the matrix says. The prioritization in the matrix represents false
choices that don’t actually reflect how these issues are prioritized
strategically. Businesses will do what they need to do to achieve diversity and
safety objectives together. As fellow sustainability reporting enthusiast
Elaine Cohen
“I don't think we need to mess around with shades of materiality … high materiality, low materiality, average materiality ... What difference do these labels make in terms of management attention, resource allocation, due diligence? All material topics should be assigned the level of resource required to address the need, the relative priority is superfluous to requirements.”
In addition to the illusion of order, the matrix offers the illusion of
stability. Even if it were true that diversity and inclusion is 15 percent more
important than health and safety at the time of the materiality assessment,
would it still be 15 percent more important after a series of safety-related
incidents? There is also risk here, as the matrix may invite criticism that the
company deprioritized health and safety and could have done more to prevent the
incidents. Why open yourself up to this when you know things are always changing
in reality?
With change comes uncertainty; and an unbiased appreciation of uncertainty is a
cornerstone of
The illusory certainty of the matrix fails this test. A more realistic
representation would simply list important issues and disclose how the business
managed them through the reporting period.
Start asking why
In the case of Grandma’s Ham, cutting off the ends was originally of use to fit
the ham in the oven. Over time, it became a process that was unnecessary and
wasteful. By asking “why,” the new couple was able to recognize that the
practice was no longer fit-for-purpose.
So, if you’re using a materiality matrix today and it seems a bit forced and
artificial — trust your instincts.
Published Aug 4, 2023 2pm EDT / 11am PDT / 7pm BST / 8pm CEST