On Monday and Tuesday at SB’19 Detroit, dozens of encouraging stories and divergent strategies emerged from the growing roster of organizations on a mission to improve some of our most common products and services.
The state of circularity: Key updates on the progress toward circular business models
by Alison Ferolo
L-R: Dirk Voeste, Jarret Schlaff, Stephanie Devine, Mike Newman, Jay Hunsberger and Jo Confino
Encouraging stories and divergent strategies were shared by the startups and
veteran players in this panel discussing the long and winding road toward
circularity. Yet, three themes pervaded each narrative:
Circularity is infringing on traditional business models,
Designing for Circularity-Friendly Behaviors
Join us as leaders from BBMG and REI examine how leading brands are innovating and scaling circular models to attract new fans and earn customer loyalty, all while eliminating waste — Thurs, May 9, at Brand-Led Culture Change.
Material innovation is a major hurdle, and
Scalability with profit takes time.
A circular bra brand and a local sneaker brand represented two startup
perspectives. The Very Good Bra founder/CEO Stephanie Devine and
Pingree Detroit co-founder/CEO Jarret Schlaff spoke to the immense
challenges of sourcing circular materials, while seeking a business model that
sticks. Both CEOs shared that the higher purpose of their circular product
drives them, but creating need in the marketplace has been, at times, quite
daunting. Relying on crowdfunding and sincere purpose has garnered both brands
some success, but they each struggle with access to materials fitting their
product lifecycles — a challenge not exclusive to small-demand makers.
Representing the opposite end of the spectrum were
BASF’s VP of Sustainability and
Strategy, Dirk Voeste; and Sustana
Fiber’s VP of North American
Sales, Jay Hunsberger. With linear business models being cut out of the
circular lifecycle, BASF and Sustana are recapturing the value chain by finding
ingenious new sources of material. As Hunsberger noted, though built on
recycling and recyclability, Sustana still competes with virgin paper. He spends
a great deal of time educating brands on the possibilities of post-consumer,
FDA-compliant paper fiber.
“I go to brands that care about the purpose first; they will be the thought
leaders and they will understand that selling more offsets any cost increase.
They will create demand and build awareness. By using brands willing to make
that change, the circular product is integrated into the everyday.” — Jay
Hunsberger, Sustana
CEO Mike Newman echoed the startups’ hurdles, as well as the challenges
faced by corporations. He explained the complexity of replacing an existing
product that is ubiquitous, loved and working — in Returnity’s case, cardboard
shipping boxes — with reuseable, recyclable shipping bags, and integrating this
circular solution into the commerce stream with financial stability.
For all of the panelists, the challenges of a circular product have yet to
outweigh the purpose of creating it. Each speaker noted that the efforts made by
themselves and each other add up to a new system that is closer to a tipping
point every day. As noted by moderator Jo Confino — Executive Editor Impact
and Innovation at HuffPost — while it isn’t clear if circularity is the only
answer, it is indeed, a key step toward a more sustainable, purpose-driven and
brighter future.
New models for urban sustainability: The power of uncommon partners and digital storytelling
by Lorraine Schuchart

L-R, seated: Andy Brownell, Tremaine Phillips, Connie Lilley and Jeremy Faust
If good stories can change the world, they are likely to originate on a local
level. Case in point: the 2030 Districts
Network — whose mission is to establish a
global network of thriving, high-performance building districts and cities,
uniting communities to catalyze transformation in the built environment and the
role it plays in mitigating and adapting to climate change, by 2030. This story
begins in Seattle, Washington, but is now told in 22 cities, perhaps nowhere
as effectively as in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The Monday morning panel of speakers featured: Andy Brownell, VP of Newsy
Brand Studio; Jeremy Faust, assistant VP and environmental sustainability
leader for Fifth Third Bank; Connie Lilley, director of the Detroit
2030 District; Joey Maiocco, producer at Newsy; Tremaine Phillips,
director of the Cincinnati 2030 District; and Marie Perriard, Senior
Director of Global Brand and Digital at Sustainable Brands (SB).
The story of Cincinnati’s District began with the Green
plan — 80 recommendations over eight areas that resulted from 30 community
meetings and countless hours of investment from individuals with a passion for
impact — including Phillips, who was leading the built environment group.
“While cities love to use their skylines as their symbols, our buildings in
Cincinnati account for 60 percent of all our carbon emissions,” Phillips
Green Cincinnati also received support from Newsy’s Brownell and Maiocco, who
explained their company as a source for concise, unbiased video news and
analysis. The company strives to fuel meaningful conversations by highlighting
multiple sides of every story. As the possibility of a 2030 District emerged,
they stepped up to help make it happen through telling a compelling story. They
conducted interviews with local stakeholders and directors of nearby Districts,
including Cleveland and Detroit. The result was an impactful documentary,
“Modern Metropolis” (premiering late 2019), which our group was able to
preview. We also saw highlights from Newsy’s “Shifting Baselines”
series, produced in
partnership with SB. The company’s media is accessible in 40 million homes.
Also leading the effort, both with the city and within his own company, was
Faust. “Fifth Third Bank has some bold environmental goals,” he noted. The
company has pledged to reduce energy and water usage, reduce landfill waste,
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and purchase 100 percent renewable power. Faust
saw supporting the creation of a District in Cincinnati as important step for
the city and other companies.
The Districts are led by the private sector, with local building industry
leaders uniting around a shared vision for sustainability and economic growth —
while aligning with local community groups and government to achieve significant
energy, water and emissions reductions within its commercial cores. Property
owners, managers and developers join their local 2030 District to help them make
significant changes to their properties to create the reductions necessary to
transition to a low-carbon economy.
The session not only explored the 12-month evolution and launch of the
Cincinnati 2030 District, but also touched on the Detroit 2030 District,
exploring the difficult and often surprising cultivation of leadership,
partnership development and storytelling it takes for this new national model
for urban sustainability to gain support.
The first half of this workshop examined how 2030 District projects work and
what roles brands play in them, and the second half focused on the power of
video storytelling in helping uncommon collaborations succeed. Perriard closed
the session by sharing some of the Good Life
research that has been done around
societal aspirations, and introduced the movement and hashtag of
— a note to attendees that while the session had to end, storytelling for impact
is just getting started.
SAP: Leveraging the power of technology and a broad ecosystem of innovators to catalyze systemic change
by Melissa Radiwon
SAP's Maggie Buggie
“After having my four-year-old and two-year-old, I have a different, deeper
sense of urgency,” said Maggie Buggie, global head of innovation services
and solutions at SAP. “We have to
respond to create a different way of doing things.”
Buggie stressed that the way value is created and measured is changing. The
best-run businesses are grounded in the greater good, manage resources
effectively, plan for resource scarcity, and view consumption as a circular
SAP is undertaking several initiatives to change the way of doing things.
SAP Plastics Challenge. SAP gathered 170 change agents for The Plastics
where ideas and data on the plastics life cycle can be shared across the
supply chain to initiate change.
SAP and Google Circular Economy
Utilizing Google Cloud and SAP tools, applicants submitted an idea for
advancing a circular economy. Five finalists received mentorship, a
technology package, and funding to advance their ideas. Winners included
ideas touching on waste in commercial/industrial, food, battery, and textile
SAP and Bumble Bee Foods Ocean to Table Initiative. Utilizing SAP
blockchain, trace the route of yellow fin tuna from the ocean through the
value chain to the consumer via a QR code on the package.
Buggie became emotional when she talked about how the best-run businesses make
the world run better if they do it together.
“Run out in front and take a stand around these issues and take action —
collective action,” Buggie said. “I use whatever power, ability, passion to
drive change. We are the change we seek. We are the change agents.”
Designing for the Good Life means not recirculating the ‘bads’
by Melissa Radiwon
Bill McDonough
“We need a new
said William McDonough, chief executive at McDonough Innovation, at the
start of his plenary session on Tuesday morning.
For the longest time, we were using the mantra of reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Then it became reusable, recyclable and compostable. McDonough stressed that
what is missing is recoverable.
He put a spotlight on the phrases we use for sustainability goals — zero
waste, design for end of life – and asked why we strive for achieving
“nothing” or the “end.”
McDonough highlighted several projects that beyond zero and provide a net
Oberlin College's Lewis Center produces more energy than it uses.
Ford's River Rouge plant in Michigan has the largest green/living roof.
Herman Miller's Mirra Chair was designed with ease of disassembly and recycling, and its Greenhouse factory in Michigan pays its own capital expenses.
Method dryer sheets are made of biodegradable biological nutrient paper.
McDonough’s newest initiative is Plastic Recovery: Land and Sea (PRLS),
which is focused on reducing and preventing ocean plastic pollution at the
source and creating valuable materials.
“Goods and services, not ‘bads’ and services,” McDonough said. “If we just
recycle stuff that wasn’t meant for recycling, we are recirculating ‘bads.’”
Dignity through identity: Blockchain creating economic identities for underserved communities
By Mandy McNeill
BanQu founder Ashish Gadnis
Next, the lively Ashish Gadnis — founder of BanQu —
shared his journey visiting Congo and witnessing the forces keeping small
farmers from obtaining a credit history. Although a farmer may have been
successfully selling her product for years, these transactions have put her at a
disadvantage; with cash transactions there is no record, and she has no power to
ensure fair wages — in essence, Gadnis says, “She’s invisible in that supply
chain.” The farmer owns no history of her business and therefore cannot conduct
simple economic transactions, such as open a bank account or request a loan. In
addition, there is little incentive for the middlemen to whom she sells her
product to offer a fair wage when she cannot prove the prejudice.
BanQu solves these problems through blockchain. By offering a permanent copy of
the transaction to everyone in the supply chain, the brand can be assured that
its product is fair to the last mile.
By ensuring that those performing the work are actually being paid a fair price,
this becomes highly relevant for women farmers.
“I’m a big believer that if you want to eliminate poverty, we need to eradicate
gender inequality.” — Ashish Gadnis
Female farmers are often the most marginalized in supply chains; BanQu’s
software allows them to be empowered with their own economic identity, opening a
myriad of doors for them.
So, why would a brand choose to do this? Aside from the obvious humanitarian
implications, brands gain immense insight into their supply chain with the
possibility for better forecasting and a myriad of possibilities for gathering
data. In addition, customers are pushing for this type of transparency from
their brands. BanQu is offering an innovatively simple service that can give
both customers and brands insight into the supply chain, while also empowering
the last mile.
Feminizing the left side of the brain for optimal business, social performance
By Hope Freedman
Heidi Dangelmaier
Next, inventor, designer quantum physicist and
GirlApproved founder Heidi Dangelmaier, PhD
took to the stage wearing denim overalls. She considers denim overalls “on
brand” — maybe because the first bib
were created in the 1700s solely for working men, but became a women’s fashion
trend in the 1900s — suggesting that masculine and feminine perceptions can
co-exist harmoniously.
Dangelmaier exuberantly presented the case that companies have been approaching
processes and problems utilizing only the left side of human brains, and
asserted that we need to use both sides of our brains to find different, better
Grounded in historical context, Dangelmaier explained that the reason the world
seems to be imploding right now can be understood in this way: Several thousand
years ago, all of human innovation was developed in a logical way. With
scientific methods, we have institutionalized “logic” as the only access to
solutions. However, the right brain is subjective, personal and intuitive. All
animals have a left and right brain – or “brains” — and both sides of the brain
are essential to use to perform, understand and relate optimally.
She introduced the notion that the logical left brain created many of today’s
problems, and that humans need a “right brain intervention,” because we can’t
solve problems with the same intelligence that created the problem, even going
so far as to say, “The right brain is life force data — the right brain data is
living intelligence and what drives our potential.”
Dangelmaier asked rhetorically: ‘How does an acorn know to become a tree?’ She
replied that natural systems navigate their own expansion. She evangelized
“human technology” that relates to actual intelligence and intuition, asserting
that modern science uses the left side of the brain — and “everything we use in
advertising, marketing and AI mirrors the left brain.”
Dangelmaier’s theory also encompasses her “96” concept — where 96 percent is the
decision-making and actions going on in the right brain, and the remaining 4
percent is the proportion of the left brain that models nature.
She asserts that the technology and laws of nature, as well as foundational
beliefs and tools, have come from male-oriented ways of thinking, using the left
side of the brain. She encouraged the use of right brain thinking by raising
this provocative question: Do girls perceive different patterns than men?
At the culmination of 12 years of experiments, Dangelmaier announced the launch
that day of a GirlApproved educational initiative with the concept, “96 — Get
Your Brain Schooled.” Through its work, GirlApproved leverages the feminine
science of invention and design — in essence the genetic and biological range in
women. Women typically sense something but are not able to explain, aside from
an emotional reaction. One goal of this GirlApproved initiative is to forge a
new way for men and women to understand each other and start excelling together,
using both left and right sides of the brain. Dangelmaier pointed out that this
also has a positive economic effect.
Is this the dawning of the age of biomaterials?
by Alison Ferolo
Image credit: Braskem
On Tuesday, an afternoon discussion around biomaterials opened avenues of
communication and challenged panel speakers on infrastructure. Each panelist
conveyed their specific approaches to alternative materials and that the
industry is really just getting started.
As Damien Perriman, SVP of Specialty Products at Genomatica, noted, the
advancements in biomaterials inspired by nature are outgrowing the constructs of
‘chemistry’ and the field is on the precipice of becoming an entirely new
industry. To get there, all the panelists agreed the conversation with consumers
must include more education, a point Dimitri Deheyn — Marine Biologist,
Ecotoxicologist and Biomimicry Researcher at the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, UC San Diego — expanded on. Deheyn, sees a great shift in the ways
academia and industry collaborate, with each becoming more educated on the
other’s approach, challenges and abilities. The new level of communication
between research institutions and industry has opened the field to create
solutions for problems — such as
— in addition to pure material advancement.
Speaking to the need for collaboration, Renee Henze, Global Marketing
Director at DuPont Biomaterials, noted that to hit the trifecta of change
(high-performance, scalable and beneficial), there is no
one-size-fits-all solution. At this point in the journey, it is not a
competitive space, and we should be racing to the top concurrently — moving the
needle through both renewable and recyclable, biodegradable materials.
With a drop-in solution, Joe Jankowski, Commercial Manager of Green PE North
America at Braskem, noted that
bio-resins such as his company’s Green PE (polyethylene) do not disrupt the
supply chain or manufacturing process, making an easy case for manufacturers to
change their packaging. However, Jankowski went on to say that this approach is
only one part of the solution; and said risk, open sourcing and collaboration
that includes smaller innovators is truly the way forward for biomaterial
As the discussion opened to questions, there was one sticking point that had yet
to be answered: How are your companies addressing infrastructure needed to get
the intended results from your biomaterial products? Asked in several ways by
the audience, it was clear that while the strides in biomaterials are highly
respected, when the collection and waste streams cannot support them in the
intended and beneficial ways, the innovation is still too far advanced for
real-world application.
Perriman acknowledged that there needs to be more asking of those questions and
more curiosity around the collection streams to expedite infrastructure changes.
Educating the consumer about recycling in general, then adding the layers of
education necessary to understand how biomaterials fit into that process, was
universally agreed upon by the panelists. While who that responsibility falls to
and how it is communicated was not addressed, Henze pointed out that although
DuPont is not actively working to develop the needed infrastructure, it is
focused on designing materials fitting into existing streams. Similarly, Seventh
Generation’s detergent bottle made with Braskem’s Green PE is fully recyclable
As academic research and industry continue to overlap in the biomaterials space,
the possibilities for an entirely new approach are on the horizon.
AI, automation, gene editing and unintended consequences
By Alison Ferolo
L-R: John Frey, Lina Constantinovici, Scientific American's Curtis Brainard, Roy Singh and Mitchell Toomey
“We need an OSHA for ethics. We need an OSHA for the thought risk that comes
along with these things” noted Mitchell Toomey, Director of Sustainability
at BASF, during a thought-provoking keynote panel on avoiding unintended
consequences of scaling AI, automation and gene editing in business. The points
of regulation, accountability and predictability were expanded upon as the
conversation wove interdisciplinary expert perspectives into a cohesive view of
the AI landscape.
John Frey, Senior Technologist for IT Efficiency and Sustainability at
Hewlett Packard
spoke to the holistic education of new degree programs such as Texas A&M’s
Center for Innovation, where ethics training is a foundational aspect of the
engineering and entrepreneurial discipline. Embedding diversity and dignity into
programs is a key facet; doing so helps to ensure a future where multiple
perspectives and voices converge to advance AI and machine
Having a broad enough set of perspectives when evaluating a technology, is
essential noted Lina Constantinovici, founder of Innovation 4.4. When
specialists from only one field look for a solution, the possible approaches and
answers are quite limited. Unintended consequences arise from a lack of diverse
perspectives. Citing a new initiative among top-tier universities addressing the
issues of ethics and diversity in business leadership, Constantinovici
stipulated the more diversity going into AI, the more unbiased the results.
Regarding the future as a whole, Bain & Company partner Roy Singh
believes the future belongs to those who understand AI and machine learning —
not just the coding, but what the technology can do and how to manage it. The
next generation’s understanding of AI will have a deep grasp of the
interdependence of the systems, and that knowledge will mitigate failures and
the risk of unintended consequences.
Predicting those consequences, and thereby avoiding them, is possible when
diversity, ethics and accountability are equal parts of the conversation.
Innovations of this nature need foundations built on the human characteristics
of empathy and creative communication to reach the potential of AI.
Published Jun 6, 2019 11am EDT / 8am PDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST
Consumer & Brand Purpose Marketer
Hope Freedman is a passionate Purpose practitioner who guides brands to discover, strengthen and activate their social missions to increase consumer loyalty, grow revenue, deepen employee engagement, and positively impact communities. She brings her extensive background in CPG marketing, advertising, and communications – on both client and agency sides – to enhance brand differentiation and consumer engagement from strategy to execution.
Her work ranges from optimization of current CSR programs, resources, and partners to thought leadership initiatives for clients. Hope focused on developing differentiated brand social initiatives through a proven, insight-driven methodology for clients including PepsiCo, Unilever, Edgewell and others as a strategist in Edelman’s global Business + Social Purpose practice (read more ...).
Lorraine Schuchart is an accredited public relations strategist who specializes in public relations for the purpose economy.
Melissa Radiwon is Marketing Director at Resource Recycling Systems, based in Detroit.
Alison Ferolo has over a decade of content creation and brand storytelling experience; most recently focused on the cultural shift toward a more sustainable and responsible future.